April 24, 2024

Ep 114 - The Luck of The Irish with Connie Marshner

Ep 114 - The Luck of The Irish with Connie Marshner

James welcomes Connie Marshner to The Manly Catholic to discuss St. Patrick, the High Cross, ancient Irish Catholicism, and so much more in her latest book "Monastery and High Cross: The Forgotten Eastern Roots of Irish Christianity."  She explains the influence of Eastern Christianity on Irish Christianity, the role of St. Patrick in the conversion of Ireland, and the evidence of early Christians in Ireland before St. Patrick. Marshner also explores the origins of the Irish High Cross and the unique aspects of Irish liturgy. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding our roots and the early history of the Church as men and Catholics. 


  1. St. Patrick played a significant role in the conversion of Ireland, but there were already early Christians in Ireland before his arrival.
  2. The Irish High Cross is a unique symbol of Irish Christianity, and its design has roots in Armenian and Egyptian traditions.
  3. Understanding our roots and the early history of the Church is important for men and Catholics. Knowing one's roots provides a grounding in reality and a sense of identity.
  4. The Catholic Church has shown resilience and strength even in the face of suppression.
  5. Saint Dymphna is an important patron saint for those struggling with mental illness.

Thoughts to Chew On

  • "The early history of the Catholic Church in Ireland is influenced by Eastern Christianity."
  • "The Irish High Cross is a unique symbol of Irish Christianity, and its design has roots in Armenian and Egyptian traditions."
  • "Knowing your roots gives you a grounding in reality."
  • "The Catholic Church, no matter how much it's tried to be suppressed, always comes back in full force."
  • "I think there was a spirituality and a directness that was lacking in European spirituality."


  1. Buy the book here!
  2. Check out more of Connie's work here!
  3. Support local Irish education here!



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