June 29, 2021

Ep. 2 - Forward men! Step into the breach!

Ep. 2 - Forward men! Step into the breach!

In this episode,  Fr. Dom and James begin part 1 of their 5 part series on "Into the Breach," an apostolic exhortation issued by Bishop Thomas Olmsted in Phoenix in 2015. Bishop Olmsted came out throwing haymakers stating that men have failed in society which has led to chaos, disruption, and disappointment. For too long men have forsaken their duties and allowed Satan to penetrate the walls and create a breach in our defenses. Although this sounds like the makings of an epic novel, you will have to settle for James and Father Dom's take on the matter. 

Fr. Dom begins his modus operandi on Adam failing to defend the garden and allowing the serpent to enter. James quotes Shakespeare and somehow ties it into the military.  James quotes stats that should leave all men preparing for the spiritual battle to defeat Satan. And so much more!

Join Father Dom and James right now and change your family tree!

DO NOT NEGLECT the Fr. Dom Challenge! This week, you must find a saint! Saints come in all shapes and sizes. You picked your Confirmation saint for a reason right?! Learn his or her life deeply and begin to ask for their prayers. If you have no idea what a Confirmation saint is, there are plenty of resources out there on saints. Find one you can resonate with. Find one who challenges you. Find one who makes you want to be a better man. We can all be saints. It is not impossible.

Make The Manly Catholic even more manly and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more amazing content that will boggle your mind and to create communities with other men.

If you could be a gentleman and a scholar, please support this podcast on Patreon. If nothing else, it will help James buy his sons another apple sauce. If you are unable to support us, please pray for us and this podcast. We know this podcast is filling a tremendous breach in the defenses of the Church and we need all the help we can get. Never underestimate the power of your prayers!

Resources Mentioned:
1. Into the Breach
2. Bishop Olmsted on the Eucharist
3.  Knights of Columbus Video Series
4. Willaim Shakespeare Henry V 
5. USA Today article on marriage rates in USA
6.  Deacon Burke-Sivers "Behold the Man"
7. Decline of Religion in USA article
8. Catechism paragraphs 407-409

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