June 15, 2022

Ep 48 - Levels of Prayer - Part 2

Ep 48 - Levels of Prayer - Part 2

Part 2 has arrived! No Avicii references this time around...I promise. In this episode, James and Ryan continue their discussion and dive into the various levels of prayer, including touching on some mystical levels we don't really know a heck of a lot about. We can dare to become like one of these mystics and enter the inner depths of the soul to reach these levels of mastery in prayer. 

  • Here is how you do Mental Prayer:
    • Prepare: Place yourself in God's presence and pray for the grace to meditate
    • Begin the meditation
    • Reflect on particular subject, some truth of God or the Faith (more on this later)
    • Examine yourself in relation to this truth
    • Think of how you can improve in this aspect
    • Affections like sorrow for sin, hope in God, and love arise in your heart from considering the subject of your meditation
    • Offer petitions in your heart to God: for people in your life, for yourself, your family, your enemies, for the Church, and so on
    • Resolve to conquer your main vice or grow in a needed virtue
    • Conclusion: Thank God for the graces He gave you

Ryan's Challenge: Evaluate your current level, and level up to the next one. Click on resource 1 or 2 below to read more bout the levels and decide where you are at currently in your prayer life. 

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Sword & Spade Magazine → We often talk about Fraternus, an incredible organization that strives to connect men with their children and get them outside! Subscribe to their magazine by using this link and help support them and our show! 

As always, please pray for us! We are men who are striving every day to be holy, to become saints and we cannot do that without the help of the Holy Ghost! 


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Resources mentioned in the episode:

  1. Nine Levels of Prayer
  2. New Advent Levels of Prayer
  3. St. Teresa of Avila golden gems
  4. Ascending Way of Prayer
  5. The Ways of Mental Prayer - book written by Abbot Vitalis Lehodey
  6. The Power of Silence - book by Cardinal Robert Sarah
  7. Jesse Romero's book on Prayer
  8. Auxilium Christianorum website mentioned 

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