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Thomas Storck

Thomas Storck Profile Photo

Thomas Storck, a 1978 convert to the Catholic faith, has been writing on Catholic social teaching and Catholic culture and history since the early 1980s. He received his undergraduate degree from Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio and an M.A. from St. John’s College, Santa Fe.

He is the author, editor or translator of ten books including The Catholic Milieu, 1987, Foundations of a Catholic Political Order, 1998 (second edition, 2022), From Christendom to Americanism and Beyond, 2015, An Economics of Justice and Charity, 2017 and Seeing the World With Catholic Eyes, 2021. His latest book is The Prosperity Gospel: How Greed and Bad Philosophy Distorted Christ's Teachings, 2023.

His articles have appeared in New Oxford Review, The Chesterton Review, Communio, Studia Philosophica Estonica, Forum Philosophicum, Homiletic & Pastoral Review, The Distributist Review and elsewhere, and he is a contributing editor of New Oxford Review and a member of the editorial board of The Chesterton Review.

Mr. Storck is married to Inez Marie (née Fitzgerald) Storck and has four children and fifteen grandchildren.

Aug. 23, 2023

Ep 85 - Tradition, Wealth, and The Prosperity Gospel: A Conversation with Thomas Storck

Delve into the profound mind of Thomas Storck, a prominent Catholic author, in our latest podcast episode. Thomas's comprehensive exploration of "The Prosperity Gospel" raises a critical concern. This distorted interpretation...
Guest: Thomas Storck